Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Methylation so far just remember we do not know everything yet......

As you can see on the diagram the MTHFR enzyme determines how fast supplemental & dietary folate is turned into 5-MTHF.  This is  the only form of folate that reduces homocysteine & is necessary for the production of our #1 methyl donor, SAMe.

If you look at the junction with the second circle you can see that once MTHFR produces 5-MTHF, methyl-folate then donates or gives its methyl group (CH3) to cobalamin to make the active form of B12, methyl-cobalamin .  The MTR enzyme plays a critical role in transferring the methyl group from 5-MTHF to cobalamin.

In the second circle the methyl-cobalamin donates its methyl group to homocysteine to make methionine (this is important because we want to prevent the buildup of homocysteine).  The MTRR enzyme recycles B12 to make sure it stays active & viable, which means it is able to accept the methyl group from 5-MTHF .

Various mutations in the 3 above mentioned enzymes (MTHFR, MTR & MTRR) has been observed to reduce folate activity & thus increase homocysteine levels.
5-MTHF has important advantages over synthetic folic acid:
  • it is well absorbed even when gastrointestinal pH is altered
  • its bioavailability is not affected by metabolic defects.
  • Using 5-MTHF instead of folic acid reduces the potential for masking haematological symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency 
The 2 exciting things are;
  1. We can test MTHFR in a blood test and this can indicate to some extent what form of folate is the best to start with.  If MTHFR works fine then folic acid is good for you.  If the enzyme is not functioning due to a genetic adnormality the whole cycle comes to a standstill right up at the beginning.  This will slow down cellular growth and repair in the body and effect some neurotransmitters.
  2. 5-MTHF is now available as a supplement in Australia

Sunday, December 6, 2015

How do I know if I have a leaky gut?

One of the functions of the cells that line the intestinal wall is to regulate what gets absorbed through the walls into the blood steam. Things like some foods, infections, toxins and stress can effect the tight junctions between the cells to cause them to break apart.  This means that small particles can now leak from the digestive lumen into the blood stream.  In this case it's the job of the immune system to attack and mop us these particles.
One of my clients asked me last week.  How do I know if I have a leaky gut?
Unfortunately there is no test but there are lots of signs. Here are some of them;
  • Digestive signs include malnutrition, flatulence, burping, bloating, stomach ache, constipation and diarrhea.
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic fatigue symptoms
  • Thrush and signs of candida over growth
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • High Cholesterol readings
  • Allergies
  • Mental Health issues. Anxiety, Depression, Behavioural changes, ADHD, forgetfulness sometimes described as a fog.
  • Acne, rosacea, eczema

How do I heal it?
In my clinic we have a program called Clean Within.  This is a digestive healing program.
As part of the program we look at;
  • Nutritional changes.  Recent research has indicated as fast as one week can show significant healing to the digestive walls and microbiome.
  • Healing and sealing the digestive walls using supplements that contain zinc and glutamine 
  • Adding digestive enzymes
  • Balancing your microbiome
  • Removing anything that shouldn't be there.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

PH testing available Now

PH testing available Now

The pH test is simple and quick, all it takes is your saliva and then measure the reading.

Some of the benefits of being high alkaline include….

  • hydrating and detoxifying the body
  • increased vitality
  • weight loss
  • energy production and tissue oxygenation
  • boosts the immune system
  • maintain or regain optimum health
  • trace elements are essential for physical and mental development and health

A balanced pH is around 7.35pH

Less than 6.5 pH is considered acidic and I suggest you buy a 6 pack of Alkalizor, drink one per day then come back and retest.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Dinachariya or your Ideal Daily Routine

Dinachariya is an ayurvedic model explaining how to lead a healthy life. It is based on the idea to eliminate toxins on a daily basis, expanding your mind and finding connection to others.  In my recent trip to India we learnt all about it and I'm going to attempt to keep it going in Australia.  The principles are as follows;

Time to wake up
Brahma Muhutha is defined as the special time, which is auspicious for waking up in the morning. According to ayurveda, the time between 3 A.M. to 6 A.M. Ayurveda states down various benefits of waking up early in the morning. Moreover, it has been proven that people who wake early in the morning turn out to be more successful than others.

Natural urges
Follow your urges and do not suppress them.  It you have a blockage in this area it may be because your vatta is not flowing properly and you may experience stomach pain and gastric bloating.

Should be done with astringent, bitter and pungent taste twice daily.  In India they use tooth powder and the twigs of the Neem tree. My best tip is to not use something full of chemicals that says "do not swallow" on the side.  Try Divine Tooth mousse.

Water splashing for eyes
This reduces the tension in the eyes and improves vision.  Splash cold water in summer and warm water in winter.

Pranama is a form of "respectful salutation".  It includes worship, prayer, meditation & yoga.  I like to stick to the easy to do concept, be grateful for something every day, meditate for 10 minutes and do at least 3 yoga poses.  Some days I excel past this but this is my easy to do minimum.

Anjana/ Kajal
This is the application of medicine or kohl to the eye. Eyes are the seats of fire and it helps to clean the impurities from the eye. The ayurvedic doctor says eyes become more beautiful and it helps to see even minute things.  I love the concept of cosmetics as medicine, where did we go wrong?

Nasya is the practice of lubricating your nasal passages with a special herbalized oil referred to as Nasya oil. It cleans the sinus and takes out toxins.

Mouth wash or oil pulling
This is where you use an oil to swish around your mouth and spit out.  Helps remove toxins and bacteria from the oral cavity.  I personally like coconut oil.

Abhyangam/ Body massage
Self abhyangam highly recommended every day. Apply head, ears, feet and body. Helps with sleep

Vyayama/ Exercise
Very important for daily routine to keep ourselves fit. It lightens our body and makes us strong. When doing exercise you should only use 1/2 your energy and do a oil massage after.

Bathing increases the appetite and cleans the body. Use only hot water below the head which helps for getting strength

Bhojana priciples

Don't take food in a hurry
Prayer before food
Take food in a pleasant mood
Better to sit on the floor

Sadvrtta/ Right conduct
Spend time with good friends
Read good stories
Discuss things related to Dharma
Only desire for knowledge

Prayer before sleep
Sleep in a pleasant mood
Keep head towards the east

How a person should be;
Calm and composed
Affectionate to guests
Perform religious rites
Start the conversation if you meet someone

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cardiac Heath Questions TEST YOURSELF

  1. People who have angina or who already had a heart attack are at increased risk of having another heart attack?  True/ False
  2. Many people, including people with CHD, call an ambulance as soon as they feel one of the warning signs of a heart attack.  True/False
  3. Learning and acting upon the warning signs should significantly reduce the number of deaths and disability associated with heart attack in people with CHD.  True/False
  4. Every person who has a heart attack will experience chest pain.   True/ False
  5. At Cranes Pharmacy we are having a cardiovascular debate on Wednesday October 28th at 6.30pm   True/False
Answers 1. True 2. False 3. True  4. False  5. True
Book Now to find out more about cardiovascular health

Saturday, October 17, 2015

My 2 Must Haves for a Trip to India

In a couple weeks I'm joining the Adore Yoga Ayurvedic Tour to South India, it's very exciting and I'm already packing my bag.  I remember from last time it's quite hot, so the temptation is to wear cool dresses and shorts but in India, its a modest country and you are expected to cover your shoulders and legs.  So look into your wardrobe and find those loose fitting cotton long shirts and skirts.

I have 2 must haves when I travel the first is Travel Bug. My digestive system is not used foods from another country so I like to help it along.  Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug may, reduce the risk of diarrhoea when travelling or relieve diarrhoea. So I just take one a day as insurance as I travel.

My second must have is 1Above.  This is a flight drink so that I can get off the flight ready to go and even more importantly arrive home refreshed and without jetlag.  I often see people who get off the plane looking like they need another holiday just to cope with the return flight, I don't want to be that person.

Here's a quick checklist just to make sure you haven't left anything out:

  • Hand Sanitiser  Devine is my favourite
  • Deodorant
  • Antiseptic/ Dressings / First aide kit
  • Contact lens products
  • Ear plugs
  • Eye drops
  • Sanitary products
  • Insect repellant
  • Sunscreen
  • Power plug adaptors
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Travel pillows
  • Analgesic tablets
  • Anti-histamines
  • Oral rehydration
  • Cold & Flu tablets
  • Treatment for sunburn
  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Money belt
  • Travel insurance
  • Swimming Costume
Let me know at the pharmacy if you'd like any of these things and I'll get them ready for you.
Cranes Pharmacy 9969 4700

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Does Cholestrol Cause Heart Disease?

The fundamental principle upon which much of pharmaceutical medicine and mainstream dietary advice is based, that high LDL cholesterol causes heart disease, has taken a beating in recent years. While the research literature has been questioning the hypothesis for years, current practice has not yet caught up, and the measurement and pharmaceutical lowering of cholesterol are the primary activities conducted in the name of management of cardiovascular risk in doctor’s offices around the country.

Public awareness of the flaws in the lipid hypothesis have been increasing, due to various popular media and personalities examining the issue in television, internet and print media. Accompanying this is a popular trend for dietary change which flies in the face of the heavily grain-weighted dietary pyramid, instead embracing saturated fat-containing, ‘paleolithic’-friendly foods. 

However, despite the impassioned opinions of many on the subject, the issue as to whether LDL is a concern in CVD is more complex than a simple yes or no. Would you like to know more??
Come to our Great Cardiovascular Debate on October 28th 630pm

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Midnight Snacks and Breast cancer

High levels of insulin and glucose have been closely linked to increased risk of breast cancer rates and mortality through their proliferative effects. New evidence from the American Association of Cancer Research has come to light that a fasting duration of at least 13.5 hours is helpful.  It  can reduce HbA1C ( glycosylated haemoglbin) by 23% and elevated blood glucose by 50%.
That means dinner at 6 pm and breakfast at 7.30 am and no midnight snacks in between could be effective at reducing your breast cancer risk.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Obesogens or Endocrine Disruptors

Obesogens, or endocrine disruptors are natural and man-made chemicals that work by altering the regulatory system that controls your weight—increasing the fat cells you have, decreasing the calories you burn, and even altering the way your body manages hunger.

How they work?
By mimicking the actions of naturally occurring hormones in our bodies or preventing the hormones we produce from acting correctly.

Endocrine disruptors can:
  • Encourage the body to store fat and re-program cells to become fat cells.
  • Prompt the liver to become insulin resistant, which makes the pancreas pump out more insulin that turns energy into fat all over the body.
  • Prevent leptin (a hormone that reduces appetite) from being released from your fat cells to tell your body you are full.
Where you find them?
  • High Fructose corn syrup
  • Cleaning products
  • Plastics
  • Processed foods
  • Non stick pans
  • Air fresheners
If you are worried about the ingredients in your household products check out the Chemical maze. 

If you think this is your story one of the fastest way to get them out of your system is with our Clean Within program.  It's time to take out the garbage. Book in now  on 9969 4700

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Thin Within by Rosemary Manners

The world is full of people who struggle with weight loss. Traditional diet programs might take the weight off, but they don't increase the overall health or lifestyle of the participants. True weight loss stems from a change in approach.
Embracing the
Thin Within can change your life from one full of struggles with weight
management, stress, lack of energy, and a vicious cycle of unhealthy living. With just a few crucial—and surprisingly easy—steps, finding the Thin Within can change your life and your future. Not only will you lose the weight—and keep it off—but you can learn to live a more nutritious and vibrant life.
There's no time like now to start, and there's no better coach through this process than Rosemary Manners, whose dedication to health and nutritious living spans more than 25 years. This book is based on years of experience and research in a variety of health- related fields, including pharmacology, naturopathy, and Neurolinguistics. Combining the science of traditional medicine and the organic health of natural therapies, Rosemary has created a program that can help any participant discover the Thin Within that they've always wanted to achieve.   Buy Now

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Unlearn Your Pain...the first three secrets

Here are the first 3 secrets to unlearning your pain
  • The first is to understand what persistent pain is and how it comes about. It is a neurological problem that is different than acute pain. It is sensed in the emotional, not the pain center, of the brain.
  • Second, you need to take a holistic approach and look at the whole body and mind not just at a part of the body.  Address it all at once.
  • Finally, is to know that the responsibility for change is yours and its up to you to take action.
For the next 3 secrets come and find out at our workshop.  Click HERE to book.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Want to Train Faster or Further? Benefits of a Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Eating Plan

You've got to see this.  Click on the link below to see the shorts on the 

WE may have been doing it all wrong.  I was lucky this year to meet Dr Jeff Volek.  Jeff Volek is a dietitian-scientist who has spent 15 years studying diet and exercise effects on health and performance. He has held an academic position at Ball State University and is currently an associate professor at the University of Connecticut. 

One of his studies used elite male ultra-endurance runners aged 21 to 45 years.  There were 2 groups; High carbohydrate group and Low Carbohydrate group.  The groups were well matched on age, body mass, aerobic capacity, ad competition times, the main difference was the habitual diet.  The low carbohydrate group came out on top.

I put this to the test in the City to Surf this year and aced it.  There was no fatigue, no dizziness, no hitting the wall when your fuel ran out.  I was running along side kids half my age and passing them.  It was really exciting.

 Here are some more points from Dr. Volek’s talk.

-You lose more weight and gain more muscle when you combine a low carb diet and resistance training compared to just a low carb diet or just resistance training.
-People on low carb diets can eat 3x the saturated fat compared to people on a low fat diet and still have lower levels of saturated fat in their blood.
-Calorie restriction has been touted as a way to slow/stop aging. You can impact the same biological markers by restricting carbohydrates (while NOT restricting calories).
-Often times when people in Dr. Volek’s studies go on low carbohydrate diets they end up increasing their vegetable consumption
-Metabolic Syndrome is becoming a huge problem in the U.S. and worldwide; carbohydrate restriction attacks all the problem areas of metabolic syndrome more comprehensively than any drug or treatment available.
-The obesity problem in the U.S. is driven by uncontrolled insulin levels. The best way to control insulin is to control its most powerful stimulator – carbohydrates.

So to make sure you get the result that you deserve and to make them permanent Click here to book in to the clinic now

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cholestrol Readings...are they helpful?

There is now more information available about cholesterol than ever before.  What I can't understand is that we listen to the news each night on the radio and television and don't hear about this.  Heart disease is a big killer in Australia and this could potentially save lives.
Let me explain just a little of the research.  Think of two clients John and David.  They both have elevated LDL levels and would both be normally prescribed a cholesterol lowering medication by the doctor.  On further testing called LDL subfractions that measures the size of the LDL particles, John is found to have generally big sizes of LDL where David is found to have smaller LDL particules.  The small particles have a greater potential due to their small size of penetrating the endothelium ( the inside of the artery walls).  This is where the damage is done and David's risk factors are much higher than John's.
Traditional lipid profiles do not identify the risk of cardiovascular diseases that are caused by the presence of small dense LDL particles. Dangerous LDL particles may hide behind normal cholesterol levels and, conversely, elevated cholesterol levels do not inevitably have to be associated with a heart attack risk.
To find out more join my 10 week Cardiovascular workshops or begin a cardiovascular program today.
Email me at Rosemary@cranespharmacy.com.au
or SEE http://www.adoreyoga.com/workshop/heart-health-program

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Would you like a Healthy Heart?

Here is a sneak peak on the first workshop of the Healthy Hearts Program

In Cardiovascular disease for decades we have been looking for 5 risk factors
· High cholesterol
· High blood pressure
· Diabetes Mellitus
· Obesity
· Smoking
We have been told if you address these 5 factors you are safe and sound from a heart attack.

New research has shown this is not correct
· Abnormal cholesterol levels are NOT the primary cause or indicators of coronary heart disease
· Consuming a high cholesterol diet or eating eggs does NOT significantly raise blood pressure levels for most people.
· All LDL ‘bad cholesterol’ is not harmful and not all HDL ‘good cholesterol’ is protective.
· The blood pressure reading taken in your doctor’s office may not be an accurate measure of your true blood pressure
· A fasting morning blood sugar reading of 99mg/dl or 5.5mmol/L may not be safe or normal
· A normal body weight does not ensure heart health.

If we look at the role of cholesterol in heart health we know;
· You may have high total cholesterol and high LDL levels but have relatively healthy arteries
· You may have normal total cholesterol and normal LDL but have very unhealthy arteries.
· You may have high levels HDL yet still have an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.

The real culprits and the elements that we should be trying to control are;
· Inflammation
· Oxidative stress
· Autoimmune damage
These are the game changes. These are the three factors we address in the Healthy Heart program and these are the three factors that we can now measure in testing.
Book Now and receive a referral for comprehensive Cardiovascular testing from the only lab in Australia that currently supplies this state of art testing.
If you have any questions ask me by return email rosemary@cranespharmacy.com.au
http://www.adoreyoga.com/workshop/heart-health-programClick here to book

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Discover How Baby's can be effected by Chemicals with Therese Kerr

Did you know?
It's possible to transfer chemicals from my body to my child in utero? 
It's possible that my baby boy’s genitalia hasn’t developed properly because of the chemicals I put on my body and/or on him?  
We don't know what the impact of the mostly untested chemicals used in everyday skin, hair, beauty, personal, oral and baby care products really is?

We do know our children’s endocrine and detoxification systems are not developed enough to be able to deal effectively with chemicals and toxins.
Professor Marc Cohen of the RMIT University in Melbourne states that one of the quickest ways a woman will detox is through pregnancy, another is through breast-feeding.  Breast-feeding is by far the absolute best start you can give your child and I personally encourage all mums to breast feed and to also breast feed for as long as they can. What I wish to bring awareness to is that it is becoming increasingly apparent that detoxing prior to conception to avoid transferring fat soluble chemicals onto our babies in utero and then continuing to do the same through breast-feeding is one of the best steps you can make to give your child a healthy, vibrant start to life.

Physiologically undeveloped
Baby’s and young children’s bodily systems are generally underdeveloped compared to those of adults, in fact research is showing that it takes up to the age of seven for a baby to develop the ability to detoxify to the degree of an adult.
Babies have a larger ingestion of food, fluid and air per weight measurement than adults, so the effect of toxins is much greater.

If you'd like to learn more come to our Therese Kerr Workshop at Cremorne Pharmacy
Monday July 29 rd. Click here

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Healthy Heart

Adore your Heart with the Healthy Hearts 10 week program. Learn and implement your own Integrative Cardiovascular Disease Prevention Program.  Each Friday attend a 1/2 hour group workshop followed by an hour Yoga class. Improve your cardiovascular and metabolic health now.

The Healthy Heart program includes talking about factors that your doctor may not have told you. Recent studies have shown the real culprits behind Cardiovascular Disease are Inflammation, Oxidative Stress and Immune Dysfunction. These are the three factors you need to understand and address and we'll do this step by step in short workshops each week so that you can understand easily.

Some of the subjects we will look at are;
  • How to get checked out and understand your pathology results
  • Reducing inflammation, oxidative stress and immune dysfunction and eliminating factors that are causing these problems in the body. 
  • Counteracting problems with cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin levels
  • Yoga program based on research that proves yoga improves heart health outcomes.
  • Address any other diseases contributing to inflammation, oxidation or autoimmune dysfunction. Making lifestyle changes to support your program and improve your outlook on life
  • Integrate standard medications as appropriate with evidence based nutritional supplements

Click here to book

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Health Changes, Mindset and The Ritual Board

Let's look at what causes behavior change?

This Graph shows the Fogg Behaviour Model. You'll notice it's much simpler to do easy to do things than hard to do things even when you have high motivation.  So this is where a Ritual Board comes in.
We are going to fill it with easy to do things that head us towards our behavior change and ultimately our health goal and tick them off each day when we achieve them. To award ourselves for doing them all we'll give ourselves a star.  What will be the reward for 7 stars? We'll answer that when we set up your board.

The Role of High Intensity Interval Training & Weight Loss

Dr. Stephen Boutcher has been working very hard at NSW Uni, examining the ability of exercise and diet to decrease body fat and to normalize metabolic syndrome factors such as insulin and inflammation. He has  shown that high intensity intermittent sprinting exercise (LifeSprints), compared to steady-state exercise, results in significant fat loss in women. He has also shown that LifeSprints reduces fasting insulin levels to a greater extent compared to steady state exercise.

I interviewed him asked him his top secrets for fat burning.  They are;
  1. Fast for 4 hours prior to exercise.  (best to do it first thing in the morning)
  2. Do 20 minutes exercise three times a week
  3. Do what he calls Life sprints on a cycle.  8 secs flat out then 12 secs easy.  This results in much more fat loss than 40mins of steady state cycling.
  4. Fast for a further hour after exercise
  5. Drink green tea after work out
  6. Drink cold water
For this you can expect from his clinical trials;
  • Aerobic power to increase 24% in 15 weeks
  • Fat mass loss 2.5kg in females after 15 weeks
  • Visceral fat decrease 17% in males after 12 weeks sprinting
  • Muscle mass increase 1.2 kg in males after 12 weeks sprinting
  • Insulin 34% decrease in females after 6 weeks sprinting, fish oil and Mediterranean diet
Give it a go and let me know how you go.....

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Kids Guts and Behavioural issues

In this blog I'm going to answer the questions put to me by one of my clients. Do you have the same questions?

 I worry about John's behavioral issues (and don't like to discuss this in front of him) and am seeking what can be done to improve these.
Often kids behavior will improve with digestive healing. There are two big areas outside the brain to look at with kids behavioral issues; The digestive walls and the blood brain barrier (BBB) 
The digestive wall is influenced by the microbiome, the integrity of the gut wall, toxins and allergies. John is on a program to improve the first three. If we suspect allergies I have a Food dectective test to help work out what they are.
The BBB is a new area of research but what they have found is that inflammation causes the BBB to become more porous and chemicals that would normally be stopped by the BBB leak into the brain. There is a description of this as the “brain is on fire”. We see this often is kids with gross behavioural issues where if we can stop this whole reaction the kids behaviour improves dramatically.  

I am interested in what process you will undertake with John and what will be done to eliminate the heavy metals in John's system.
John is on a program called Clean Within for kids.
Step one is to improve the microbiome. 
Step two is to use supplements to help bind out the heavy metals.
With good compliance these 2 steps usually take about 6 weeks but each case is different.

I presume the supplements for John are to eliminate parasites and improve his gut function.
The supplements in Step one are all about getting the right Microbiome.  The testing indicates that John has unbeneficial bacteria.  The drops will kill unbenefical bacteria, parasites and protozoa.  The powder is all about binding these all up and taking them out of the system.

Would it be beneficial to treat my daughters ( not sure if the supplement is like a probiotic).
Do they have similar symptoms? I’d only recommend the anti-parasite drops if their Urinary Indicans testing came back at level 2.3.or 4. Otherwise a good probiotics like Flora Care for kids would be great.

Are there a wide variety of metals that are all treated differently?
I usually treat them all similarly for the first 6 weeks, in most cases the symptoms go and all goes back to normal.  Sometime rarely where we don't clear the toxicity, I either order hair analysis or urine analysis at a pathology lab to find out more and then we can make the treatment more specific. If you would like a referral at any time for these, it's easy for me to provide.

How do the metals get into the system?
We live in a chemical soup. I doesn't take much research to find that all our food sources and tainted with something. The air that we breathe is not as clean as we would like. It’s not hard to find sources around the house in pipes, on walls in the water supply. Kids also tend to put lots of stuff in their mouths. On the other hand our bodies are great detoxifiers. WE break down and eliminate all day long. Sometimes we just need to help the body in this process to keep up.

Would you advocate a hair analysis test. I was speaking to someone recently with an autistic child who had some hair analysis done and saw great results after treating the child.
I can give you a referral any time you would like. I usually hold off a little and see if we can clear it without spending further money on testing. 

Do I need a pathology request from a doctor to be tested for pyrrole or can you issue one?
Pyrroles I can issue a referral. We'll get a bit more of an interesting result if we hold off to after the digestive healing program otherwise we may test him and he is high and them want to test him again after the program.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Using Mindfulness Every day to become Painfree Within

Mindfulness reduces the emotional and cognitive aspects of pain, and these, in turn, decrease your experience of pain.You can do this by learning ways to “get to know” your pain, and allow it to reduce. Rather than trying to push it away, Mindfulness encourages you to sit with the experience. As you just sit with the pain, so the usual emotions and thoughts that are triggered by it get quieter. Your experience of the pain decreases as it is now no longer amplified by your thoughts and feelings about it.

This is a technique you can learn, and is a great addition to your pain reduction toolbox. Constant physical pain can be exhausting. It can take up all your thinking as you try to push it away, and you are reminded of it every time you go to pick something up or walk up stairs. However, as the saying goes, “while pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Your degree of suffering can be reduced through changing your relationship with your pain. This change is achieved through what is called Mindfulness. It works like this...
An experience of pain consists of three aspects:
  1. There is the physical aspect. This is the physical sensation of pain, plus the
    changes in physical movement that occur because of it (for example,
    difficulty in lifting, sitting, walking).
  2. There is the emotional aspect. These are the feelings you have about the
    pain – perhaps sadness, anger, resentment.
  3. There is the cognitive aspect. These are the thoughts you have about the
    pain including the stories you tell yourself about it. For example, “I’ll never
    have a normal life now”, or “I don’t know how I can carry on like this.”
Mindfulness addresses the emotional and cognitive aspects of pain, and these, in turn, can decrease your experience of pain. Mindfulness encourages you to sit with the experience. As you just sit with the pain, so the usual emotions and thoughts that are triggered by it get quieter. Your experience of the pain decreases as it is now no longer amplified by your thoughts and feelings about it. This is a technique you can learn, and is a great addition to your pain reduction toolbox.

For more information book into The Pain Clinic Cremorne Pharmacy 99531503

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Your Anti-Aging Plan

We have financial plans, renovation plans & plans for the kids education

Where is the anti-aging plan?

How do we check its effectiveness?

How do we feel on it?

We can notice that there are people who reach the age of 85 in a very good physical and mental condition. There are others who have extensive cognitive difficulties and physical disorders already by the age of 60. This is why it is logical to think that a persons biological age is more indicative of their health than their chronological age. This is  definitely a reason to have a good anti aging plan that gets reviewed regularly.
We measure biological age with what we call Biomarkers. Biomarkers (short for biological markers) are biological measures of a biological state. By definition, a biomarker is "a characteristic that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indicator of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes or pharmacological responses to a therapeutic intervention."

It's important to consider when we talk about anti-aging is that not only consider life span but the degree of wellness along the way.  Presently in Australia we may live longer but not necessarily weller. Aging biomarkers monitoring allows not necessarily to diagnose various diseases, but to create real goals to prevent their development or prevent their progression.

I always like to say "Health is your most Important Asset"  so it figures if I'm sitting on an asset I need a plan to conserve it.  This plan needs to incumbent many different areas.  The areas that I think are most important to plan strategies around are health goals,  nutrition, lifestyle, mindset, exercise, medications and supplements. This month in the clinic is all about creating strategies around anti-aging. And the best news of all, how do you feel? The answer is vital, powerful, energetic and in control.

more about Youthful Within

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

12 Hormone-Altering Chemicals and How to Avoid Them Written by Therese Kerr

Some may say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, but do you really want a chemical used in plastics imitating the sex hormone estrogen in your body? No! Unfortunately, this synthetic hormone can trick the body into thinking it’s the real thing – and the results aren’t pretty. BPA has been linked to everything from breast and others cancers to reproductive problems, obesity, early puberty and heart disease, and according to government tests, 93 percent of Americans have BPA in their bodies!
Dioxins are multi-taskers… but not in a good way! They form during many industrial processes when chlorine or bromine are burned in the presence of carbon and oxygen. Dioxins can disrupt the delicate ways that both male and female sex hormone signaling occurs in the body. This is a bad thing! Here’s why: Recent research has shown that exposure to low levels of dioxin in the womb and early in life can both permanently affect sperm quality and lower the sperm count in men during their prime reproductive years. But that’s not all! Dioxins are very long-lived, build up both in the body and in the food chain, are powerful carcinogens and can also affect the immune and reproductive systems.
What happens when you introduce highly toxic chemicals into nature and turn your back? For one thing, feminization of male frogs. That’s right, researchers have found that exposure to even low levels of the herbicide atrazine can turn male frogs into females that produce completely viable eggs. Atrazine is widely used on the majority of corn crops in the United States, and consequently it’s a pervasive drinking water contaminant. Atrazine has been linked to breast tumors, delayed puberty and prostate inflammation in animals, and some research has linked it to prostate cancer in people.
Did you know that a specific signal programs cells in our bodies to die? It’s totally normal and healthy for 50 billion cells in your body to die every day! But studies have shown that chemicals called phthalates can trigger what’s known as “death-inducing signaling” in testicular cells, making them die earlier than they should. Yep, that’s cell death – in your man parts. If that’s not enough, studies have linked phthalates to hormone changes, lower sperm count, less mobile sperm, birth defects in the male reproductive system, obesity, diabetes and thyroid irregularities.
How to avoid it? A good place to start is to avoid plastic food containers, children’s toys (some phthalates are already banned in kid’s products), and plastic wrap made from PVC, which has the recycling label #3. Almost all personal care products also contain phthalates, so read the labels and avoid products that simply list “fragrance,” and avoid perfume since the catch-call “fragrance” more often than not means hidden phthalates.
Who needs food tainted with rocket fuel?! That’s right, perchlorate, a component in rocket fuel, contaminates much of our produce and milk, according to EWG and government test data. When perchlorate gets into your body it competes with the nutrient iodine, which the thyroid gland needs to make thyroid hormones. Basically, this means that if you ingest too much of it you can end up altering your thyroid hormone balance. This is important because it’s these hormones that regulate metabolism in adults and are critical for proper brain and organ development in infants and young children.
Fire retardants
What do breast milk and polar bears have in common? In 1999, some Swedish scientists studying women’s breast milk discovered something totally unexpected: The milk contained an endocrine-disrupting chemical found in fire retardants, and the levels had been doubling every five years since 1972! These incredibly persistent chemicals, known as polybrominated diphenyl ethers or PBDEs, (sometimes found in cosmetics and personal care products) have since been found to contaminate the bodies of people and wildlife around the globe – even polar bears. These chemicals can imitate thyroid hormones in our bodies and disrupt their activity. That can lead to lower IQ, among other significant health effects.
Lead harms almost every organ system in the body and has been linked to a staggering array of health effects, including permanent brain damage, lowered IQ, hearing loss, miscarriage, premature birth, increased blood pressure, kidney damage and nervous system problems. But few people realize that one other way that lead may affect your body is by disrupting your hormones. In animals, lead has been found to lower sex hormone levels. Research has also shown that lead can disrupt the hormone signaling that regulates the body’s major stress system (called the HPA axis).
Arsenic can interfere with normal hormone functioning in the glucocorticoid system that regulates how our bodies process sugars and carbohydrates. What does that mean for you? Well, disrupting the glucocorticoid system has been linked to weight gain/loss, protein wasting, immunosuppression, insulin resistance (which can lead to diabetes), osteoporosis, growth retardation and high blood pressure.
Pregnant women are the most at risk from the toxic effects of mercury, since the metal is known to concentrate in the fetal brain and can interfere with brain development. Mercury is also known to bind directly to one particular hormone that regulates women’s menstrual cycle and ovulation, interfering with normal signaling pathways.
Perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs)
The perfluorinated chemicals used to make non-stick cookware can stick to you. One particularly notorious compound called PFOA has been shown to be “completely resistant to biodegradation.” In other words, PFOA doesn’t break down in the environment – ever. That means that even though the chemical was banned after decades of use, it will be showing up in people’s bodies for countless generations to come. This is worrisome, since PFOA exposure has been linked to decreased sperm quality, low birth weight, kidney disease, thyroid disease and high cholesterol, among other health issues. Scientists are still figuring out how PFOA affects the human body, but animal studies have found that it can affect thyroid and sex hormone levels.
Organophosphate pesticides
Neurotoxic organophosphate compounds that the Nazis produced in huge quantities for chemical warfare during World War II were luckily never used. After the war ended, American scientists used the same chemistry to develop a long line of pesticides that target the nervous systems of insects. Despite many studies linking organophosphate exposure to effects on brain development, behavior and fertility, they are still among the more common pesticides in use today. A few of the many ways that organophosphates can affect the human body include interfering with the way testosterone communicates with cells, lowering testosterone and altering thyroid hormone levels.
Glycol Ethers
These are common solvents in paints, cleaning products, brake fluid and cosmetics, personal, skin, hair, baby, beauty and oral care products. Studies have shown that glycols have caused genital malformation in rats.
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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Discover How. Be Educated, Empowered and Chemical Free by Therese Kerr

Chemical transfer from mums to baby’s in utero:
Is it possible to transfer chemicals from my body to my child in utero, and if so, to what degree? Is it possible that my baby boy’s genitalia hasn’t developed properly because of the chemicals I put on my body and/or on him?  What really is the impact of the mostly untested chemicals used in everyday skin, hair, beauty, personal, oral and baby care products? Do we really know?

So, why should I be concerned about hormones? How can they possibly harm my baby?
Our children’s endocrine and detoxification systems are not developed enough to be able to deal effectively with chemicals and toxins.
Professor Marc Cohen of the RMIT University in Melbourne states that one of the quickest ways a woman will detox is through pregnancy, another is through breast-feeding.  Breast-feeding is by far the absolute best start you can give your child and I personally encourage all mums to breast feed and to also breast feed for as long as they can. What I wish to bring awareness to is that it is becoming increasingly apparent that detoxing prior to conception to avoid transferring fat soluble chemicals onto our babies in utero and then continuing to do the same through breast-feeding is one of the best steps you can make to give your child a healthy, vibrant start to life.

Physiologically undeveloped
Baby’s and young children’s bodily systems are generally underdeveloped compared to those of adults, in fact research is showing that it takes up to the age of seven for a baby to develop the ability to detoxify to the degree of an adult.
Babies have a larger ingestion of food, fluid and air per weight measurement than adults, the effect of toxins has a much greater ability to inflict harm.

Rapid development and growth – Growth and development occurs most in the first few years of life and as a result, any toxins which interfere with systems that are still being established in the human body can greatly impede development and destroy cells such as those of the brain and nervous system.

by Therese Kerr
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