Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Using Mindfulness Every day to become Painfree Within

Mindfulness reduces the emotional and cognitive aspects of pain, and these, in turn, decrease your experience of pain.You can do this by learning ways to “get to know” your pain, and allow it to reduce. Rather than trying to push it away, Mindfulness encourages you to sit with the experience. As you just sit with the pain, so the usual emotions and thoughts that are triggered by it get quieter. Your experience of the pain decreases as it is now no longer amplified by your thoughts and feelings about it.

This is a technique you can learn, and is a great addition to your pain reduction toolbox. Constant physical pain can be exhausting. It can take up all your thinking as you try to push it away, and you are reminded of it every time you go to pick something up or walk up stairs. However, as the saying goes, “while pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” Your degree of suffering can be reduced through changing your relationship with your pain. This change is achieved through what is called Mindfulness. It works like this...
An experience of pain consists of three aspects:
  1. There is the physical aspect. This is the physical sensation of pain, plus the
    changes in physical movement that occur because of it (for example,
    difficulty in lifting, sitting, walking).
  2. There is the emotional aspect. These are the feelings you have about the
    pain – perhaps sadness, anger, resentment.
  3. There is the cognitive aspect. These are the thoughts you have about the
    pain including the stories you tell yourself about it. For example, “I’ll never
    have a normal life now”, or “I don’t know how I can carry on like this.”
Mindfulness addresses the emotional and cognitive aspects of pain, and these, in turn, can decrease your experience of pain. Mindfulness encourages you to sit with the experience. As you just sit with the pain, so the usual emotions and thoughts that are triggered by it get quieter. Your experience of the pain decreases as it is now no longer amplified by your thoughts and feelings about it. This is a technique you can learn, and is a great addition to your pain reduction toolbox.

For more information book into The Pain Clinic Cremorne Pharmacy 99531503

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