Saturday, July 25, 2015

Cholestrol Readings...are they helpful?

There is now more information available about cholesterol than ever before.  What I can't understand is that we listen to the news each night on the radio and television and don't hear about this.  Heart disease is a big killer in Australia and this could potentially save lives.
Let me explain just a little of the research.  Think of two clients John and David.  They both have elevated LDL levels and would both be normally prescribed a cholesterol lowering medication by the doctor.  On further testing called LDL subfractions that measures the size of the LDL particles, John is found to have generally big sizes of LDL where David is found to have smaller LDL particules.  The small particles have a greater potential due to their small size of penetrating the endothelium ( the inside of the artery walls).  This is where the damage is done and David's risk factors are much higher than John's.
Traditional lipid profiles do not identify the risk of cardiovascular diseases that are caused by the presence of small dense LDL particles. Dangerous LDL particles may hide behind normal cholesterol levels and, conversely, elevated cholesterol levels do not inevitably have to be associated with a heart attack risk.
To find out more join my 10 week Cardiovascular workshops or begin a cardiovascular program today.
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Sunday, July 12, 2015

Would you like a Healthy Heart?

Here is a sneak peak on the first workshop of the Healthy Hearts Program

In Cardiovascular disease for decades we have been looking for 5 risk factors
· High cholesterol
· High blood pressure
· Diabetes Mellitus
· Obesity
· Smoking
We have been told if you address these 5 factors you are safe and sound from a heart attack.

New research has shown this is not correct
· Abnormal cholesterol levels are NOT the primary cause or indicators of coronary heart disease
· Consuming a high cholesterol diet or eating eggs does NOT significantly raise blood pressure levels for most people.
· All LDL ‘bad cholesterol’ is not harmful and not all HDL ‘good cholesterol’ is protective.
· The blood pressure reading taken in your doctor’s office may not be an accurate measure of your true blood pressure
· A fasting morning blood sugar reading of 99mg/dl or 5.5mmol/L may not be safe or normal
· A normal body weight does not ensure heart health.

If we look at the role of cholesterol in heart health we know;
· You may have high total cholesterol and high LDL levels but have relatively healthy arteries
· You may have normal total cholesterol and normal LDL but have very unhealthy arteries.
· You may have high levels HDL yet still have an increased risk of developing coronary heart disease.

The real culprits and the elements that we should be trying to control are;
· Inflammation
· Oxidative stress
· Autoimmune damage
These are the game changes. These are the three factors we address in the Healthy Heart program and these are the three factors that we can now measure in testing.
Book Now and receive a referral for comprehensive Cardiovascular testing from the only lab in Australia that currently supplies this state of art testing.
If you have any questions ask me by return email here to book