Friday, December 7, 2012

Inside Out a program for Teenagers 12 to 17 years

Inside Out gives teenagers the ability to cope with the many emotional challenges they may be facing in their home environment and at school. A teenager finds themselves facing many new situations: a changing body, increased responsibility and discovering more about other people and the world about them. Increasing a teenagers’s awareness and giving them skills to cope with the inherent emotional challenges, will help them to feel strong, confident and mentally resilient. The Inside Out program gives children the opportunity to work through challenges that prevent them from developing a strong sense of identity. How teenagers see themselves can influence their possibilities for the future. Therefore it is important that they see themselves in the best light possible. The program is designed to: create harmony in the home and school environment, increase self esteem, confidence and awareness, facilitate greater creativity and productivity, encourage proactive behaviour, enhance relationships. Course outline Conflict resolution How to recognise conflict clues. How to handle conflict constructively. How to develop co-operative power. Interpersonal skills Assertive communication skills. How to manage difficult emotions. How to give feedback. Email/texting communication. Group skills Learning to get along together. Managing our feelings and thoughts. Understanding our choices and the relationship to others.
When: 12 December 2012, 9.30pm to 2.30pm. Where: Cranes Pharmacy: 62 Avenue Road, Mosman Bookings: (or to find out more information) Deborah Fairfull 0412 433 616 or
Cost: Usually $200 per participant however pre-Christmas special of $200 per teenager and parent (It is not essential that the parent attends however it is recommended). Morning tea included and all course notes will be provided
About the presenter Deborah Fairfull lives in Sydney, Australia, with her family and has been both a student and teacher of psychology and philosophy for over twenty years. Deborah is committed to the ongoing improvement of the world we live in. Her simple, succinct, and practical approach to raising the awareness of individuals allows them connect to true peace and happiness. Along with being a skillful businesswoman and enthusiastic kinesiologist, speaker, and author, Deborah is also a devoted mother. Her three young children are the greatest source of inspiration in her life, and she is passionate about raising children in a positive and conscious way.

Happiness Within

Happiness Within By Rosemary Mannners
9 Steps to Health and Happiness for Busy Mums
Have you ever wondered why you continually make poor health decisions. Imagine making good decisions easily and effortlessly. If you like this feeling this may be the book for you.
Author Rosemary Manners says “I've written this book for the busy mum to firstly help her to choose health as a value and then to go on to achieve her health goals. It is written for the busy mum because she is the centre of society when it comes to sound heath decisions. She is a role model, teaching and feeding the children. She is supporting the working man. The busy mum has a network of friends to spread the word to. If she understands the importance of happiness and health She is in just the right position to help the rest of the community.”

Just to get you hooked here is the opening of the first chapter;

The beginning is about identifying the problem. To find health and happiness it is your first step to find out why you don't have it now. What are the obstacles that are stopping you from choosing health?
I remember as a child waiting and waiting. When I was growing up, there wasn’t a great deal of money, but whenever our birthday came around, we kids were allowed to choose a very, very special treat.
One year I chose Luna Park, Oh. It was good to anticipate … marking the days off on the calendar, and after the last cross we’d be there. The big day arrived; I remember running to my favourite ride.
Do you know what it was? I can see it now. It may be your favourite ride too clink, clink, clink, whoosh the big dipper. And it was so, so big.
Everybody knows you need to wait in the queue. I know you can imagine waiting, and slowly, as your turns gets closer and closer, little butterflies appear in your stomach. And they grow until you’re at the front of the queue, listening — clink, clink, clink, whoosh. Your breathing quickens and then it’s your turn.
Into the dipper car you pop — front or back? I chose the back. Would you? And off we go, around the corner, then we start going up, up. We hear the clink, clink, clink, whoosh of the wheels as they turn, pulling us higher and higher and higher. What a wonderful feeling.
Have you ever been so high up that you’ve felt on top of the world?
At one time or another, you may have been skiing. I reconnect with this feeling when I think about one day when I arrived at the Remarkable s in New Zealand. Awe-inspiring mountains towered over three small lifts. So what do you do? As you look up at the mountains, you see a few skiers walking up this one steep mountain slope with skis on their backs. Imagine that.
So what next? Catch the lift to its highest point then take your skis off and head up the hill. Start trudging up a very steep path with those heavy snow boots. And as the skis weigh down on your shoulder, you notice your breathing becoming quick and shallow in the thin air. Up and up and up; mountains all around; one boot after another. Up and up towards the top.
As you get closer to the top, you notice this exhilaration, a feeling of excitement forming in the base of your stomach. Am I going to ski down fast or slow? Will it be safe or dangerous? Will it take one minute or two? And will I begin now or later? Do I feel prepared to do this? The majestic mountains, that feeling of anticipation is big now with the excitement building and building as I get higher and higher.
Another high place I remember being in was in South America; my feet love to travel. I was high up in a mountain village where no English was spoken. You can imagine it. My Spanish is limited, but that did not stop the locals from approaching me for a chat. At a bus station, a man sat down next to me with all his heavy bundles, ready for market day. He was all dressed up in his colourful finery, and he was talking and talking and talking. I was looking into the old man’s eyes, listening to the words as he was talking and talking. Have you ever listened to another language being spoken when you are unable to catch the words?
As I looked into his eyes I noticed little things at first. And I looked again. Have you felt that? I imagine you have. Something more than talking, talking, talking…
So many different people come into my shops each day. One day, a guy I knew quite well — his name was Brian — drifted in the door on cloud nine, floating.
He got to the front door, and from the counter I could tell, as I know you could have, that something big had happened in his life — some event so big that he’d walked down from his house to tell me. He wasn’t hurrying — would you have? He was floating slowly, one leg after another. What was he going to tell me?
As I looked carefully, I noticed his breathing was short and sharp, as if there was something inside waiting to be uncloaked. His eyes were bright, with just a little moisture inside. His lips appeared to be full of blood as if it was really juicy. Can you picture this? The colour and the shine on his face. What was it? His face was flushed pink and shiny, like an angel glowing and floating in the night. What was I going to hear about sooner or later? Could I be imagining this? Was it something that I’d like or not? How was his life changing? How was this man floating?
Another of my customers is 103 years old. I wonder how the world appears to her from inside her head looking out. How much has her world changed? And with all the experiences she has had, all the people she has met and seen, I wonder how many times she has changed her mind in 103 years.
What are we looking for, for us to access health and happiness? Is it information? Is it to check whether this information is true? Is it to know what to do? Why have we not solved the problem ourselves?
Or are we really coming to learn the skills we need to change our minds?
We often say that it’s easy to change our mind: ‘I do it every day — about what I’m going to wear, what I’ll eat, where I’ll go, what I’ll do.’ That’s true of course, but what about the decisions we don’t know how to change, those decisions sitting deep in our unconscious mind that we are not even aware of? They are sitting there ruling what we do, how we react and what we say. Limiting decisions such as 'only food with sugar in it is interesting', 'I'm too busy....' ' I don't want big muscles', 'I love McDonald's' and 'I have no time.'...
When we change our mind about a particular subject or behaviour that is inhibiting our potential for wellness and growth, then our whole life changes.
Start at the beginning. Begin by working out, clearly identifying your problem, thinking of examples of this problem and trying to discover how you frame it in your head. Probe, try to discover the source of the problem. Know it is important that you are clear about what has to happen so that you know the problem has read more download from Amazon.  Happiness Within

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Santa is coming to Town

I'd like to invite you to a Christmas Beach Party.  Rosemary Manners & Nikola Ellis in conjunction with Cranes Pharmacy & Adore Yoga are having a Christmas party that leaves you feeling better the next day...

When: 8.30am, Sunday 9th December
Where: Balmoral, on the grassy bit to the north of Balmoral Beach Club at the end of the Esplanade.
What: Free yoga class and delicious brekkie!  
Bring: The whole family (+ yoga mat) It’s Christmas party time! Every year we meet up with students past and present to celebrate Christmas yoga-style. Experience an uplifting yoga class (all levels welcome) with Nikola, then enjoy a deliciously healthy brekkie. We need to know numbers for catering, so RSVP please! 9969 4700   See you there.

Intense Cravings Can Lead to An Immediate Lapse

It's coming up to that time of the year when it is time to review our vices. Smoking, over eating, not enough exercise and generally forgetting to embrace health all feature in the list.
So let's make plans early;
    Adoreyoga is offering a fresh Start Retreat 18-20th January.  If it is time to make real changes in your life this is the retreat for you.  Just 45mins from Sydney CBD.  Make the time for you. 
  • Nicorette has just released a very nifty product called QuickMist.  It's a spray under the tongue that works in 60 secs for fast Craving Relief when you feel it's time for a cigarette.  This is available at the pharmacy.
  • Rosemary Manners is running her signature weight loss program 5 kilos in 5 weeks guaranteed.  It covers what to eat and when, any underlying reasons why you may not be burning fat and also looks at how to think for weight loss. Book in now to remove that unwanted Fleshiness.
  • Debra Fairful's book is available for sale at the pharmacy Bliss Everyday for $20.00.  A great read to get you back in touch with you. An easy read over the summer.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

How would you like to lose your unwanted kilos?

As you are well aware over the last few years Australia, New Zealand and the United States have been fighting it out in the media for the title of “the fattest nation in the world”.  At the moment Australia is winning.  The hard facts are that the majority of our citizens are now over weight or obese- a staggering 60% of all Australians.

The prevalence of obesity becomes even more alarming when we consider that in 2010, it’s contribution to ill health is greater than that of tobacco smoking.  Obesity is the fundamental driver of some of the most significant health burdens our patients face, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, osteoarthritis and dementia.

Now you may say this isn't happening in Mosman but look again, it’s here.  
The benefit of  weight management with us is that we are here to support the customer all the way.  We are at the end of the phone or in the shop to answer all the questions to make it as easy as possible.   The program is safe and effective and results are terrific.  We measure everyone each week and can produce a report on a weekly basis to monitor their achievements.  We have arranged with many of Australia's leading private health insurance funds to allow people with Extras to claim rebates on the program.

The Choices

Basic Starter    $150.00
One of our highly trained nutritionists will take you through a step by step guide on how to lose weight.  It will be explained so that you can incorporate it into your life easily and effortlessly.  We can do it in person or via Skype or send you our e booklet.    You'll also receive a Cellular Health Printout which gives you a snapshot of exactly where your body is at the moment if you come to one of our clinics. Extras  also included in a clinic visit are Indicans test and  heavy metal screening.

The Starter Pack   $250.00

Lets get you all primed up to start losing weight today.  This includes everything in the basic starter plus the supplements that will push start your body into fat burning now.

This pack includes;

  • Shake-It tote bag
  • Shake-It shaker bottle
  • Shake-It recipe book
  • Shake-It patient booklet
  • Tub of Shake-It powder
  • 1 box of 10 Ketobars
  • 1 box Keto Stix
  • 1 comprehensive 45 minute appointment at clinic or via skype or ebooklet
  • Cellular Health Analysis at our clinic (optional)

The 5 kilos in 5 weeks  $450.00

This program includes
  1. Shake-It tote bag
  2. Shake-It shaker bottle
  3. Shake-It recipe book
  4. Shake-It patient booklet
  5. 1Tub of Shake-It powder
  6. 1 box of 10 Ketobars
  7. 1 box Keto Stix
  8. 1 Comprehensive 45 minute appointment
  9. 4  Follow up appointments
  10.  5 Cellular Health Analysis at the clinic (optional)

Extras;We may ask for extra blood tests and other testing to breakdown the obstacles to weight loss. Extra supplements, if you have some underlining medical issue that stops weight loss we might prescribe extra supplements to help your body burn fat.

Kilos for Cash Club

Join up fee  $150.00 then  $60.00 per month for the length of your membership
This is designed for people who really want to lose weight and lose it forever.  The program offers weight loss and maintenance.
You get paid monthly for each kilo you lose and keep off from your beginning weight.  We will be looking out for you so this is only up to a safe amount.  Half the reward is paid by achieving your monthly targets and half is rewarded for maintaining your goal weight.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Health Checks for Homes

Do You Have Ongoing Health Problems?

If the answer is yes to any of the following you should have your house checked;
Do you suffer from fatigue, headaches,recurrent colds, hayfever or asthma?
Do you wake up feeling tired regardless of the amount of sleep you have had?
Did your symptoms begin or get worst when you moved into your current house?
Do your symptoms improve when you are out or go away
It may be time to detoxify your home.

Or now you have detoxified your body. How about detoxifying your house and office?

Have your environment checked out and see how it affects your health NOW

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Are your medicines working for you?

Do Your Medicines need a check up?

A MedsCheck or Diabetes MedsCheck    

will help you better manage your medicines.

It will help:
  • Increase your knowledge about your medicines;
  • Increase your confidence in using your medicines; and
  • Reduce your risk of an avoidable trip to hospital
MedsCheck and Diabetes MedsCheck are services funded by the Australian government and involves a one-on-one consultation with one of our pharmacists, in the pharmacy, to review and discuss the best ways to manage and get the most out of all your medications. The focus of these services is the quality use of medicines. There is no cost for you to receive a MedsCheck or Diabetes MedsCheck if eligible*.

MedsCheck takes approximately 30 minutes while Diabetes MedsCheck takes approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.We are running a friday morning Medschek clinic, here at Cranes Pharmacy

The MedsCheck service will:
  • Explain why you are taking each medicine and how each medication should be taken for optimal benefit
  • Identify any potential medication-related problems
  • Make you more confident that you are taking the right medicines at the right time
  • Answer and questions you may have regarding your medicines
  • Provide you with a documented “Action Plan” and a complete list of your medications
The Diabetes MedsCheck service will:
  • Explain why you are taking each medicine and how each medication should be taken for optimal benefit
  • Identify any potential medication-related problems
  • Make you more confident that you are taking the right medicines at the right time
  • Answer and questions you may have regarding your medicines
  • Aim to improve your use of blood glucose monitoring devices through training and education
  • Provide useful information to help improve your confidence in managing your diabetes and medication with the aim to improve blood glucose control
  • Provide you with a documented “Action Plan” and a complete list of your medications
*check with one of our Pharmacists to see if you qualify
For more information speak to one of our friendly Pharmacists at one of our stores or ring 9969 4700 Now

Sunday, November 11, 2012

“Bouncing is what Tiggers do best?” A. A. Milne What about the rest of us?

Do you remember the days when you bounced out of bed in the mornings, excited and energised? Have these been replaced with the desire for a really good sleep in? Let's consider energy levels.
Can you pinpoint the day you lost your energy? For many of us, loss of energy is something that sneaks up on us. The sad thing is that we actually get used to feeling low in energy and this becomes our new “normal”.
Our bodies are made up of trillions of cells. Within each of our cells are very small things called mitochondria. Mitochondria are like little batteries that provide energy for our whole body. These mitochondria require several specific nutrients in order to produce energy at an efficient rate. If any one of these nutrients is not available, or if the mitochondria are damaged, the energy we have available goes down.

What you can do to help boost your energy? Let's start with the 4 basics;
o Get adequate, regular and consistent amounts of sleep each night. This sounds easy but as high as 1 in five people have problems with sleeping. You are not alone but imagine the energy you will get with improving your sleep routine.
o Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and drink plenty of water throughout the day. This includes protein serves three times a day and many handfuls of green leafy vegetables. Go low on the sugars and complex carbohydrates.
o Exercise regularly My regularly is ½ hour every day. Exercise at your own level, vary it enough to keep yourself interested. I love having exercise buddies to keep me accountable.
o Learn better ways to relax. Make a list and incorporate something into your routine every day.
o Avoid too many stimulants such as caffeine, foods high in sugar and alcohol. These are only short term fixes and don't solve the problem long term.

For some people, this may be enough to put the bounce back in their step. Some people need a little bit more help.
We know that our bodies use the fat and carbohydrates we eat to produce energy. But how does this happen? Fat and carbohydrates cannot get into the mitochondria by themselves. They need other nutrients to open the gates for them, to allow them into the mitochondria where they are turned into energy.

Two of the key nutrients that allow this to happen are N-acetyl carnitine and lipoic acid.
N-acetyl carnitine is derived from amino acids, it acts like a shovel to transport fat into the mitochondria, while lipoic acid opens the gates for carbohydrates. As well as improving our energy, lipoic acid is also useful for balancing blood sugar and can be helpful in reducing cravings for sugary foods. Lipoic acid can be fornd in most natural foods but is slightly higher in kidney, heart, liver, spinach, broccoli and yeast extract.

Two other key ingredients include Coq10 and Fish oils.
CoQ10 is also vital for healthy energy production in our cells. This oil like vitamin substance is present in most cells in our body. CoQ10 protects our mitochondria from day-to-day damage and acts like insulation around an electrical wire. Without insulation around the electrical wires in your house, energy does not reach its correct destination, and we would have no electricity to run our lights, fridges or computers! The same is true with CoQ10, if we do not have enough to insulate our “wires” we don’t have enough energy to function properly, and we feel tired.
Omega 3, or fish oils, are vital for keeping the membranes of our mitochondria stable and healthy. If our omega 3 levels are too low, the mitochondria can become damaged. Over time, this damage accumulates and gradually we produce less and less energy, making us feel gradually more and more tired. Over time this can make a big difference to your energy levels.

Try these four key nutrients as a fast and effective way of boosting your energy. Sound easy? It is! They are available at your friendly pharmacy.

Please don't forget to check with your health care practitioner if you are on other medication or have any other health conditions that need considering.
Otherwise wear some orange, follow the guidelines and feel like Tigger.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happiness and Health. A Fresh Start

Do you feel you are on the right track in your journey?

Do you find it difficult to bounce out of bed in the morning?

Do you feel tired, tired of all the internal emotions going on in your head?

It's struggle......

 The yogic concept of Dharma is all about walking your path. That doesn't mean there is some kind of predestined future. It simply means you have a unique set of attributes, responsibilities and circumstances that need to be considered when deciding what to do with your life.

It means creating a space, being flexible and to seeking out inspiration.  Learn these skills and you may soon find you are on to a wining idea.  New year is a great time to look at new ideas and expectations as we naturally do it anyway with the old 'New Year's resolutions.'  Imagine actually setting these goals so they empower you in a direction you have only imagined.

At Adore Yoga, we run the Fresh Start Retreat every January (new year is the perfect time to reassess your life and turn over some new leaves). During this weekend retreat near Sydney, participants unwind in a beautiful bushland setting and concentrate squarely on understanding their directions.

Through a series of yoga classes and workshops, run by Nicola Ellis and Rosemary Manners, you rediscover the things that matter most and learn how to align your deepest values with every day actions.

At the end of the Fresh Start weekend you will be filled with inspiration, motivation and renewed clarity.

It’s time to make a Fresh Start! The Fresh Start Retreat is at Billabong Retreat near Dural, NSW, 18-20 January 2013. Places strictly limited. From $450 - $535pp inclusive.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Young Within

What are your retirement plans?
Do they include battling with bad health?  I hope not.  If you need some guidance I could be your health coach.  What does that mean to you?
Well each month or two we would establish what your health goals are.  What is realistic and achievable in the time bracket.  Then we would make up a treatment plan including dietary changes, lifestyle changes and maybe some changes in how you think.
We need to find inspiration and motivation to keep you striving towards health, it may be playing with the family or sailing the seas or walking up Raglan Street.  What ever it is that is what will keep the focus on health.
Any road blocks in the way.  Lets work them out and devise solutions to work around them.
Let's work out a high energy diet that will suit all your needs with a bit of fun as well.  How about movement, plan to exercise for 1/2 hour per day, that is medicine in itself.
Healthy Aging that is normal, unhealthy aging is all too common.  Look around you who would you like to model?
Some starters a few recommended supplements
  1. A multivitamin and mineral supplement
  2. An omega 3 essential fatty acid combination
  3. A probiotic
  4. A phytochemical-rich formula
Live a long vibrant and healthy life!

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Weight Loss is More Than a Cosmetic Issue

As Healthcare Practitioners, Nutritionalists and Naturopaths we are well equipped to help our patients lose weight, look better, and feel good about their physical appearance. Better than this weight loss is more than simply a cosmetic issue. This is shown by the following case study, losing weight can have far-reaching benefits that extend well beyond improving how one looks and feels. Excitingly, weight loss can also make significant changes to our patients' physiology and reduce risk factors associated with chronic disease. I have used an example from the Health World Clinic as I am unable to release information from my clients although the results are similar..

Case Details
A 34 year old woman presented to the Health World research clinic classed as obese (BMI 33.5), weighing 98 kg. She had gained a significant amount of weight over the last 5 years since the birth of her first child. She regularly skipped meals, consumed coffee in place of breakfast most days and frequently ate take-away meals. Sleep patterns were irregular. Not surprisingly, she was constantly tired and irritable. She suffered mid-afternoon energy slumps and sugar cravings. Blood test results indicated dyslipidaemia, with high total cholesterol and triglycerides, low HDLs, and inflammation as evidenced by a raised high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP).
The patient was very motivated to lose weight and become healthy so she could play more actively with her daughters.

The Practitioner put the patient on the Professional Weight Management Program, a carbohydrate-controlled diet containing good levels of dietary protein and healthy levels of good fats. The patient was advised to exercise at moderate intensity for a minimum of 30 minutes most days of the week. The Practitioner also prescribed some supplements.

Clinical Outcomes
After 6 weeks, the patient had lost over 7 kg in fat. She was finding the diet easy to follow and noticed her clothes were looser. By the end of week 9, the patient had not only lost a significant amount of weight (10.3 kg) and fat mass (8.7 kg), she also maintained her muscle mass. She dropped a dress size and now felt more confident within herself. Her moods had moderated, energy levels had increased and she was sleeping better. Not only was the patient looking and feeling better, blood test results confirmed a significant improvement in many of her cardio-metabolic parameters, as seen in Figure Three.

Case Discussion
Obesity levels in Australia and New Zealand are rising, with Australians recording the third largest increases in BMI in the world over the past 2 decades.These statistics are concerning – and not just for purely aesthetic reasons. Obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance, and cardiovascular disease risk are closely interrelated, and supporting fat loss can improve many cardio-metabolic risk factors that are implicated in chronic disease.
The Cranes Pharmacy Professional Weight Management Program is simple to follow and gives you great results. There are three main parts. What to eat and when to throw your body into fat burning. We look at underlying medical reasons why your body may not be burning fat and treat them. The third part of the program teaches you how to think to burn fat. Often our eating patterns are ruled by our emotions and it is necessary to moderate some of these unconscious patterns.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Balmoral Beach, Sunshine and Immunity

The right amount of sunshine is essential to life. We are so lucky with Balmoral Beach and some lovely harbour walks on our doorstep. Sunshine affects our moods and our lifestyles . But did you know that sunshine provides a nutrient that is essential for your immune health?

Your immune system is responsible for keeping you healthy and protecting you from the millions of bacteria, viruses and toxins that threaten your health. Like the rest of your body, your immune system relies on you eating the right sorts of foods and living a healthy lifestyle to stay healthy. It's coming up winter now so it is a good time to consider your immune system.

The most basic way for you to get your Vitamin D is through sunshine. When your skin is exposed to direct sunlight, your body is stimulated to produce Vitamin D. This Vitamin D is then used within your body for various important functions, one of the main ones being to keep your immune function balanced. It is surprising to learn that even in sun-rich countries, such as Australia or New Zealand, Vitamin D deficiency is common, increasing the risk of autoimmune conditions. It is believed that this problem has come about due to the success of sun protection programs, which have effectively reduced the incidence of skin cancer in younger populations.

It is a fallacy that Australians get sufficient Vitamin D from casual sun exposure; up to 30% of Australians are Vitamin D deficient.

In order to produce enough Vitamin D, a person with light coloured skin would need to have their arms and legs exposed to full sunlight for 20 minutes every day (avoiding the hottest part of the day). A daily walk along the foreshore would just about cover this.

The use of sunscreens will block this production of Vitamin D and the exposure needs to be direct; that is not through glass. The elderly, people with dark skin and veiled people are at particularly high risk of deficiency. Finding the right balance of sunlight exposure for optimal skin and immune health can be more difficult than it first sounds.

It is possible to stay “Sun Smart” and have immune health too. Vitamin D is present in a variety of foods including cod liver oil, herring, egg yolk and milk. It is also possible to obtain Vitamin D in the form of a supplement, but it is important that you use a supplement with a dose that is right for you and your state of health.
If you have concerns about your immune health or want help managing an autoimmune condition, please make an appointment with your health care professional to plan a course of action that is best for you.

So enjoy what Mosman has to offer us to keep our vitamins up.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

A few kilos lighter, a whole lot fitter and a lot clearer in the head, all in one week.

It started at Seminak, pick up was at 10am. I figured Bali Time we'd see someone around lunch time. No, at 9.45 two really new clean white cars turn up at the door of our accommodation bound for Villa Boreh. So off we went on the 3 hour transfer over the mountains to the north of the island. At one stage we had a toilet request, no problems, we stopped in the next town at someones house, does everyone know everyone in Bali, it often seems that way.
So three hours later we were squirming in the car thinking “are we there yet?” And yes, we roll into a traditional village.. no tourists in sight. Down a dusty uninteresting driveway and pile out of the van. What a surprise, the resort was breathtaking, much better than even the photos on the website, not that they were bad.  To see some of our photos click here :
Danielle our hostess met us. She was just fantastic, she was as excited as we were to be there and greeted us, full of enthusiasm. Danielle is from Canada but lives in Bali now with her Balinese husband Kadek. So best of both worlds, language was no problem and she knew all the details of Balinese life. The time we spent at Villa Boreh was enhanced with her stories and her ability to fix anything that may or not be a problem. Every enquiry was taken seriously and solved on the spot.
We were greeted by the rest of the staff with coconut drinks straight from the coconut, overlooking the sea, we really had arrived in paradise.
Lunch was served, the food throughout the week was sensational, lots of vegetables and local foods infused with Balinese style. I dropped a few kilos with ease, healthy food laid three times a day, a real treat for me as I'm often preparing all those meals in my house. I must say there were a few tempting carbohydrates and sweet desserts were served that looked very yummy but I didn't need them.
The highlight of the whole week and the very reason we were there was the yoga. Four hours of yoga a day converted me, who tries to attend one class per week, from thinking it was something that gave me a bit of exercise into learning about the different layers of yoga. I came out with a fitter body but also a real clear idea of how to think and use yoga in all aspects of my life. It was as if the yoga mat was where life was happening and the rest was just practise. Nikola Ellis lead the classes, she was absolutely fantastic. In the room there were many different skill levels ranging from yoga teachers to people with various injured parts to people with very little yoga experience however we all walked out thinking the yoga class was perfectly suited for us. What a skill.! I loved Nikola's classes, the exercise, the spirituality and the learnings. Lucy Proud was there, as Nikola's assistant and she was great at adjusting the exercises to suit everyone and of course the relaxation, that is Lucy's passion.
The days wizzed by, there was plenty of excursions to go on but I just loved the relaxation by the pool. Not to forget the treatments. The first Bali Massage was free, well that was just a tempter because then there was body scrubs, facials and a hair creme bath to try, great prices, great treatments. I felt like I left with a whole new body.
What made the retreat extra special were the little things....the flower arrangement for Janelle's birthday, the bunch of flowers for Tracey's anniversary, the caring staff, the nothing is too much trouble attitude and the fun. They all loved fun, as do all of us and we laughed at so many things, like when the girls tried to teach us to Balinese dance. We even had a demo from the security guard. Everyone was part of the party.
I can't wait till next year.   “The next Bali Paradise Retreat is on 30 July - 6 Aug 2013 and bookings are open now.” :