The thyroid is a butterfly shaped gland at the base of your neck is highly responsive to stress. This is because of it's interaction with the adrenal gland.
The adrenal glands are the little glands sitting on top of your kidneys. They do a lot in the body on a daily basis and when we don't take care of them (or ourselves) they ramp up and/or burn down. Within their three layers, they are responsible for producing a multitude of hormones you are familiar with such as cortisol, DHEA, epinephrine (adrenaline), norepinephrine, testosterone, and progesterone.
The adrenal glands interact with many other endocrine glands, but in particular is the thyroid. When stress is high or ongoing, the thyroid system down regulates and less thyroid hormone is produced. High cortisol also reduces the conversion of T4 to T3 (which is why many clinicians test reverse T3 too). This makes a big difference if your goal is to fat burn. I see it in the clinic again and again, the best weight loss results happen when you slow down and destress. At any time of the year we try and do more and just a little bit more pushing the adrenal gland, down regulating the thyroid and halting fat burning. So SLOW DOWN, treat the thyroid like a delicate butterfly and it will perform for you.
The second thing to know is this butterfly is very reactive to chemicals and pesticides. This means cleaning up your act. Plan some regular safe detoxing at least twice per year. Try our Clean Within program and we can taylor it to do on a regular basis.
The third thing to know is that you can't cheat with weight loss. If you want to burn fat, you can, but you need to be 100% compliant. Don't think you can hide the odd potato or sandwich and get good results. Take a thyroid supplement to nurture the gland and be really really good with your food choices and you'll find you can still reach your health goals.
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