Friday, March 28, 2014

Teenagers and Depression

I an not a physiologist, a psychiatrist or a why are teenagers getting better in my clinic with the Happiness Within Program?  Maybe the answer is to look outside the box.

We check gut health for everyone who comes into the clinic. We use Urinary Indicans Testing to see how healthy your gut bacteria is ( after all you have 4 kilos of it).  It is well documented the link between depression and gut health. The level of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract has a bidirectional impact on behavior. Researchers have found that depression can influence the vulnerability of the gut to inflammation; and in turn, this inflammation may influence depression and anxiety.(1).

We  consider and test for food intolarances where applicable.  Particular foods may not be tolerated well in the body setting up inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract  and in the same way as above effect mood.

Have you considered the blood, brain barrier (BBB)?  New research has found it gets leaky. Inflammatory reactions in the body set up this leakiness and substances that would normally not cross the BBB leak into the brain.  What effect does this have?  The teenagers of today have been exposed to more chemicals than ever before so we don't know  all of the consequences.  What we do know is there is a link between toxicity and brain health.  We screen everyone who comes into our clinic for heavy metals.  This lets us see if toxicity is an issue.

What have you got to lose?  None of these tests are terribly invasive, they are simple to do and because we do them in the clinic you get fast results.

Book an appointment now at Cranes Pharmacy 9969 4700 or online
For more information about Rosemary Manners and the programs she runs see

1 Berick, P. et al. Chronic Gastrointestinal Inflammation Induces Anxiety-Like Behaviour and Alters Central Nervous System Biochemistry in Mice. Gastroenterology 2010;139:2102–2112.

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