Friday, March 21, 2014

Food Detective; When is it time to check for Food Intolarances?

It may be time right now.  Do you have any of the following symptoms?

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Arthritis - joint pain, stiffness & swelling
  • Chronic Respiratory symptoms (wheezing )
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Bowel Problems (colitis, diarrhoea )



§Weight problems/Obesity


§Skin problems (eczema)

§Persistent cough

These could be all indications that you are eating the wrong food for your body.

How can these intolerances just suddenly appear?  
Generally, foods are broken down during digestion into their component parts e.g. amino acids, glycerides etc. These pass harmlessly through the gut into the bloodstream. However, occasionally small fragments of partially digested or undigested foods are able to pass through the gut wall into the bloodstream where they are recognized by the immune system as being ‘foreign’. The immune system responds by making antibodies (IgGs). In some patients, inflammation or irritation of the intestinal lining allows partially digested foods to leak into the bloodstream. This condition is called ‘leaky gut syndrome’ and patients with this condition typically have high levels of antibodies to multiple foods. Additionally for some people it may be that their immune system isn't as efficient at removing these antibodies that form immune complexes with the food (antigen), which leads to inflammation that can appear as a food intolerance.

Some of the things that can cause this are;

  • Antibiotics
  • Medication/Drugs
  • Candida overgrowth
  • Parasites
  • Intestinal bacterial/viral infection
  • Glutamine insufficiency
  • Alcohol
  • Poor diet
  • Stress
  • Low stomach acid
  • Low pancreatic enzyme
What can you do?
It's as easy as three steps
  1. Optimise gut function. We run a six week program called Clean Within that heals and cleans out the digestive system
  2. Identify and remove allergen. In the clinic we use a test known as Food detective to analyse the foods you are reacting to.
  3. Stay fit for life, don't skip meals, eat regular meals, come and get regular check ups and reduce refined foods.

Book in Now for a testing pack  9969 4700

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