Monday, November 11, 2013

Monkey Mind at night? Try putting yourself into a Trance

Do you have a monkey mind where there is a lot of internal chatter?

You can help this by putting yourself into a trance. Here are 8 steps to try tonight to get a good night's sleep.

  1. You can use your usual script, but the key....slow it right down.....right down.
  2. Imagine you are talking to someone that speaks a different language to the one that you are using. They can't understand what you are saying. So deliver your words in such a way that your tone, pace and inflections are slow, deliberate and clear.
  3. Throw in some pause statements such as 'that's right', 'I see', 'I understand', this gives you time to breathe, reflect and structure your response
  4. Throw in some ambitious words - this makes you slow down as you think of alternative words or ways of phrasing something
  5. Imagine yourself walking down a huge stair case one step at a time while delivering these words
  6. Create a picture in your head of what you want and only what you want
  7. If your head has any other sounds in it, let them help you to relax deeper.
  8. Go with the flow, but control the speed of the flow....breathe :-
Not asleep yet....maybe it's time to sit down Rosemary Manners.  She can explore nutrition, lifestyle and mindset to see what's contributing to your monkey brain.

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