Tuesday, February 5, 2013

9 Fast Ideas for Weight Loss

Lets look at 9 quick ideas for fat burning that you can do without thinking of a whole new eating plan
  1. Water lots of it throughout the day
  2. Green tea increases weight loss by increasing metabolic rate.  Make a jug and keep it in the fridge, drink it through the day
  3. Clean lean protein at every meal the size of your palm
  4. Exercise  1/2 hour per day move your body
  5. Throw all that stress away into the garbage bin you don't need it and it stops you from burning fat.  Sleep for 8 hours per night.
  6. Spicy foods will help increase metabolic rate turmeric, ginger, chili, cardamom, cinnamon
  7. 3 meals per day every day
  8. Nutrients choose a high quality multivitamin and antioxidant to take every day to ensure you have all the nutrients required for fat burning.
  9. Attitude, your choice, you drive the bus, choose something positive.

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