Sunday, October 18, 2015

Cardiac Heath Questions TEST YOURSELF

  1. People who have angina or who already had a heart attack are at increased risk of having another heart attack?  True/ False
  2. Many people, including people with CHD, call an ambulance as soon as they feel one of the warning signs of a heart attack.  True/False
  3. Learning and acting upon the warning signs should significantly reduce the number of deaths and disability associated with heart attack in people with CHD.  True/False
  4. Every person who has a heart attack will experience chest pain.   True/ False
  5. At Cranes Pharmacy we are having a cardiovascular debate on Wednesday October 28th at 6.30pm   True/False
Answers 1. True 2. False 3. True  4. False  5. True
Book Now to find out more about cardiovascular health

Saturday, October 17, 2015

My 2 Must Haves for a Trip to India

In a couple weeks I'm joining the Adore Yoga Ayurvedic Tour to South India, it's very exciting and I'm already packing my bag.  I remember from last time it's quite hot, so the temptation is to wear cool dresses and shorts but in India, its a modest country and you are expected to cover your shoulders and legs.  So look into your wardrobe and find those loose fitting cotton long shirts and skirts.

I have 2 must haves when I travel the first is Travel Bug. My digestive system is not used foods from another country so I like to help it along.  Ethical Nutrients Travel Bug may, reduce the risk of diarrhoea when travelling or relieve diarrhoea. So I just take one a day as insurance as I travel.

My second must have is 1Above.  This is a flight drink so that I can get off the flight ready to go and even more importantly arrive home refreshed and without jetlag.  I often see people who get off the plane looking like they need another holiday just to cope with the return flight, I don't want to be that person.

Here's a quick checklist just to make sure you haven't left anything out:

  • Hand Sanitiser  Devine is my favourite
  • Deodorant
  • Antiseptic/ Dressings / First aide kit
  • Contact lens products
  • Ear plugs
  • Eye drops
  • Sanitary products
  • Insect repellant
  • Sunscreen
  • Power plug adaptors
  • Sunglasses
  • Hat
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Travel pillows
  • Analgesic tablets
  • Anti-histamines
  • Oral rehydration
  • Cold & Flu tablets
  • Treatment for sunburn
  • Passport
  • Visa
  • Money belt
  • Travel insurance
  • Swimming Costume
Let me know at the pharmacy if you'd like any of these things and I'll get them ready for you.
Cranes Pharmacy 9969 4700

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Does Cholestrol Cause Heart Disease?

The fundamental principle upon which much of pharmaceutical medicine and mainstream dietary advice is based, that high LDL cholesterol causes heart disease, has taken a beating in recent years. While the research literature has been questioning the hypothesis for years, current practice has not yet caught up, and the measurement and pharmaceutical lowering of cholesterol are the primary activities conducted in the name of management of cardiovascular risk in doctor’s offices around the country.

Public awareness of the flaws in the lipid hypothesis have been increasing, due to various popular media and personalities examining the issue in television, internet and print media. Accompanying this is a popular trend for dietary change which flies in the face of the heavily grain-weighted dietary pyramid, instead embracing saturated fat-containing, ‘paleolithic’-friendly foods. 

However, despite the impassioned opinions of many on the subject, the issue as to whether LDL is a concern in CVD is more complex than a simple yes or no. Would you like to know more??
Come to our Great Cardiovascular Debate on October 28th 630pm