Thursday, June 19, 2014

Clean WithIn detoxification Programs. Lose Fat, Look Great and Feel Healthier

A great cleansing program is a series of steps taken to actively enhance the elimination of wastes from your body. It's a bit like taking out the garbage. 

Our therapeutic goals are to;
  • Reduce dietary toxins
  • Improve detoxification capacity
  • Neutralize free radicals
  • Eliminate waste products

Our most popular program is the Integrated Clean Within program. I recommend it for most clients to improve their digestive health, liver function and overall health and wellbeing.

In recent years we have learnt about our microbiome and just how large it is. Did you know that if we count all our cells there are only 10% human, the rest is our bugs?.
Our bodies have 2-4 kilos of bacteria living in the digestive system. It is there for a reason, to help break down food and produce vitamins for us. Sometimes this colony gets out of kilter. The more unbeneficial bacteria can grow and upset the balance. Sometimes we experience symptoms, sometimes we do not notice or sometimes it has been unbalanced for so long that we think it is normal. Symptoms may include stomach ache, bloating, flatulence, burping, thrush, recurrent fungal infections, lack of concentration and focus, diarrhoea and constipation. The Specialised Gut Clean Within program is designed to bring back the balance.

Toxins are everywhere and we are all affected. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) are found in everyone and everywhere on our planet- in our food, soil, air water and homes. Humans and wildlife around the world carry POPs in their bodies at or near levels that can cause injury. Toxic chemicals are found in all human tissue including cord blood and breastmilk. Indoor environments are often more contaminated than outdoors. If you have had a high level of chemical exposure or your liver requires additional support the Specialised Liver Clean Within Program is the one for you.

Heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury or cadmium accumulate in your system and can cause problems with remembering things, adding up numbers or finding the right word to express yourself. You may get numbness, tingling or weakness in parts of your body. Their build up has been linked to chronic disease. If this applies to you the Specialised Chelation Clean within Program is specific for you.

Look forward to more energy and vitality. Ring Cranes Pharmacy today to book an appointment to Clean Within   9969 4700

This is an exceptional cleansing and detoxification program that greatly improves your health and requires the ingestion of only the highest quality nutrients”

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