Thursday, June 19, 2014

Clean WithIn detoxification Programs. Lose Fat, Look Great and Feel Healthier

A great cleansing program is a series of steps taken to actively enhance the elimination of wastes from your body. It's a bit like taking out the garbage. 

Our therapeutic goals are to;
  • Reduce dietary toxins
  • Improve detoxification capacity
  • Neutralize free radicals
  • Eliminate waste products

Our most popular program is the Integrated Clean Within program. I recommend it for most clients to improve their digestive health, liver function and overall health and wellbeing.

In recent years we have learnt about our microbiome and just how large it is. Did you know that if we count all our cells there are only 10% human, the rest is our bugs?.
Our bodies have 2-4 kilos of bacteria living in the digestive system. It is there for a reason, to help break down food and produce vitamins for us. Sometimes this colony gets out of kilter. The more unbeneficial bacteria can grow and upset the balance. Sometimes we experience symptoms, sometimes we do not notice or sometimes it has been unbalanced for so long that we think it is normal. Symptoms may include stomach ache, bloating, flatulence, burping, thrush, recurrent fungal infections, lack of concentration and focus, diarrhoea and constipation. The Specialised Gut Clean Within program is designed to bring back the balance.

Toxins are everywhere and we are all affected. Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) are found in everyone and everywhere on our planet- in our food, soil, air water and homes. Humans and wildlife around the world carry POPs in their bodies at or near levels that can cause injury. Toxic chemicals are found in all human tissue including cord blood and breastmilk. Indoor environments are often more contaminated than outdoors. If you have had a high level of chemical exposure or your liver requires additional support the Specialised Liver Clean Within Program is the one for you.

Heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury or cadmium accumulate in your system and can cause problems with remembering things, adding up numbers or finding the right word to express yourself. You may get numbness, tingling or weakness in parts of your body. Their build up has been linked to chronic disease. If this applies to you the Specialised Chelation Clean within Program is specific for you.

Look forward to more energy and vitality. Ring Cranes Pharmacy today to book an appointment to Clean Within   9969 4700

This is an exceptional cleansing and detoxification program that greatly improves your health and requires the ingestion of only the highest quality nutrients”

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Functional Medicine Approach to Managing Oestrogen Metabolisim and Reducing Breast Cancer Risk

 In Australia it is expected that 1 in 3 women and 1 in two men will live with cancer before the age of 80.  In many of these cancers oestrogens are a recognised risk factor.  It is not any wonder that I loved listening to Dr Eleanor Rogan from Nebraska at the recent International Congress on Natural Medicine.
Her work is based on balancing oestrogen metabolism and inhibiting the formation of oestrogen-DNA adducts.  High oestrogen-DNA adduct ratio in women at high risk for breast cancer are consistent with the formation of oestrogen-DNA adducts initiating a series of events leading to breast cancer.  She has discovered two supplements that help prevent oestrogen initiated cancers by reducing oestrogen-DNA adducts..  They are resveratrol and N-Acetylcysteine (NAC).
This is the first study to show that we can achieve statistically significant decrease in oestrogen-DNA adducts and presumably, risk breast cancer.  N-acetylcysteine and resveratrol are two dietary supplements that appear to stop oestrogen-induced cancers from starting.
We have made them up into a simple monthly pack and are available from Cranes Pharmacy Clinic.

10 Toxic Truths

  1. Toxins are everywhere and we are all affected.                                                               Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) are found
    in everyone and  everywhere on our planet- in our food, soil, air water and homes.  Humans and wildlife around the world carry POPs in their bodies at or near levels that can cause injury. Toxic chemicals are found in all human tissue including cord blood and breastmilk.  Indoor environments are often more contaminated than outdoors.
  2. The Full extent is unknown.  Toxins are often invisible, deadly and latent.  Over 140 000 toxic chemicals are used commercially, over 3000 in high volume with 1500 new chemicals released each year.
  3. Tiny doses can cause big effects.  Toxicologists traditionally assumed that the dose makes the poison with a monotonic dose response curve.  This is the basis for regulation of public safety limits.  However dose can be non-monotonic.
  4. Chemical cocktails are synergistic.  Exposure to a mixture of chemicals is far more harmful than exposure to individual chemicals.  Toxins are tested for safety individually if they are tested at all.
  5. Windows of development are critical.  Effects of EDCs are often irreversible with effects not evident till later in life.
  6. Kids are more at risk.  Compared to adults they have higher food, fluid and air intake per kg, higher absorption and metabolic rate, immature immune and detox systems, more exposure to the ground & more hand to mouth behaviour
  7. Biomagnification up the food chain. POPs such as DDT & PCB persist for years in the environment.  They biomagnify up through the food chain.
  8. Bioaccumulation over a lifespan. Fat soluble toxins are not usually excreted and accumulate in fatty tissue over an individual life span.
  9. Effects are epigenetic and transgenerational. Maternal exposure affects the unborn child and future grandchildren (and possibly great grand children)
  10. Injustice and accidents happen.  BP oil spill (2012), Exxon Valde (1989), Bhopal (1984), Fukishima (2011), Love canal (1978)
You may say evidence for a detox is scanty but what else can you do where the evidence is so concrete on how quickly we are toxifying ourselves and our world.

This is from a lecture presented by Professor Marc Cohen at 2014 International Congress on Natural Medicine.

Toxins and Chronic Disease

There is a global epidemic of obesity, diabetes, ADHD, depression and cancer.  My question is why are environmental toxins rarely considered as a risk factor for chronic disease.
I know myself how my health changed changed considerably from removing one amalgam. Previously I have had 2 mouth operations and countless dental hygienist appointments every 3 months over 3 years for unexplained gum disease.  My specialist said that I would probably lose two teeth in the next 2 years.  Now all the symptoms have gone.
I have clients in my clinic with all the above diagnosis who have improved their health with integrated detoxification.  Consider being tested today at our functional health clinic at Cranes Pharmacy.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Prescriptions, They are better with us.

Did you know that we stock our own preferred brand for many prescription medications?
The preferred brands has been proven to have the same effect as the originator. Many come out of the same factory. In many cases the only difference is the colour of the box. About 85% of what we dispense is our preferred brand make the switch today.