Thursday, September 12, 2013

18 year old with a Flair up of Eczema

What would I do?
 I would advise a 4 prong approach.  Let's consider nutrition, mindset, supplements
and topical applications.
Nutrition.  I like to take out sugar, dairy, wheat and any junk foods.  This may be a big ask for a teenager but it does go a long way with getting the inflammation under control.  Replace with loads of vegetables, some fruit and a good sized protein at each meal. Lots of essential fatty acids help too.  This includes, fish, nuts, olive oil and eggs.  Add a tablespoon flaxseed per day.  The next step after this is to consider allergy testing.
Mindset. Nobody said being a teenager is easy and there are a lot of things that create stress.  This needs to be balanced with a regular d-stress program.  A half an hour a day doing something relaxing (not TV or screens).  Try walking, reading, meditating or listening to music.
Supplements. Flair ups with eczema have a lot to do with what is happening in the gut walls so I'd always start with a good probiotic.  Inner Health have a product called Eczema Relief which I recommend.  Bioceuticals Ultra Clean Fish oil capsules will help reduce the inflammation.
Topical.  Stop all skin cleansers, soaps and any other skin applications.  Have not too hot showers.  Use MooGOO wash followed by MooGoo eczema cream.  On the really bad bits use cortisone creams for a few days to get it under control then go back to MooGoo.  If you cannot find MooGoo, my second favorite is Trixera in the french Avene range.

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