Saturday, August 3, 2013

Do You Push Through Life or Travel with Ease

Do you have a tendency to push up against life, establishing new roads with a heavy steadiness? Or maybe you give up easily, choose the path of ease or the line of least resistance ? These concepts are known in Yoga as Sthira and Sukha. Steadiness vs Ease.  The idea is to balance these two tendencies.  Choose the happy balance in the middle.
Sometimes we tend to get too close to one or the other.  In yoga terms this is called Dukha.  Dukha translates as a restricted place and is believed to be behind all suffering.  Where are you on this scale?  Are you more Sthira or Sukha?

Five Ways to improve your  Balance between Sthira and Sukha include:

  1. Practice  this concept on your yoga mat at classes at
  2. Investigate your eating pattern and food choices with leading nutritionalist Rosemary Manners
  3. Check out Happiness Within Program at
  4. Consider the Adore Yoga Daintree Yoga Retreat in September
  5. Incorporate  Mindfulness into your day every day

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