Tuesday, April 2, 2013

10 easy ways to Lose Weight on Work Days

  1. When coming to work ride a bike, park further away or take the stairs.  
  2. Drink more water. Pop a jug of water on your desk. 
  3. Eat a decent nutritious breakfast.  
  4. Snack on fruit and nuts.  Avoid the bicky jar, birthday cakes and other treats that circulate the office. 
  5. Breath more deeply. People under stress tend to take short gasps rather than long, deep breaths.  Higher the stress hormone cortisol is the less you burn fat. 
  6.  Stretch regularly. Stand up and stretch every half hour or so. Set a timer if you need to. 
  7. Eat protein the size of your palm at lunch and dinner.  Match it with either 2-3 cups of salad or vegetables.
  8. Take a walk after lunch. A walk after lunch improves your digestion, helps you regulate your blood sugar and increases your mental acuity. 
  9. Plan 1/2 hour exercise that will fit into your day every day
  10. Be more optimistic. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that optimism makes you healthier. What's more, the opposite of optimism--expressing anger and frustration--makes you depressed and less healthy. Keep smiling!
For extra ideas ask Rosemary Manners  http://www.rosemarymanners.com.au/

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