Sunday, August 30, 2015

Obesogens or Endocrine Disruptors

Obesogens, or endocrine disruptors are natural and man-made chemicals that work by altering the regulatory system that controls your weight—increasing the fat cells you have, decreasing the calories you burn, and even altering the way your body manages hunger.

How they work?
By mimicking the actions of naturally occurring hormones in our bodies or preventing the hormones we produce from acting correctly.

Endocrine disruptors can:
  • Encourage the body to store fat and re-program cells to become fat cells.
  • Prompt the liver to become insulin resistant, which makes the pancreas pump out more insulin that turns energy into fat all over the body.
  • Prevent leptin (a hormone that reduces appetite) from being released from your fat cells to tell your body you are full.
Where you find them?
  • High Fructose corn syrup
  • Cleaning products
  • Plastics
  • Processed foods
  • Non stick pans
  • Air fresheners
If you are worried about the ingredients in your household products check out the Chemical maze. 

If you think this is your story one of the fastest way to get them out of your system is with our Clean Within program.  It's time to take out the garbage. Book in now  on 9969 4700

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Thin Within by Rosemary Manners

The world is full of people who struggle with weight loss. Traditional diet programs might take the weight off, but they don't increase the overall health or lifestyle of the participants. True weight loss stems from a change in approach.
Embracing the
Thin Within can change your life from one full of struggles with weight
management, stress, lack of energy, and a vicious cycle of unhealthy living. With just a few crucial—and surprisingly easy—steps, finding the Thin Within can change your life and your future. Not only will you lose the weight—and keep it off—but you can learn to live a more nutritious and vibrant life.
There's no time like now to start, and there's no better coach through this process than Rosemary Manners, whose dedication to health and nutritious living spans more than 25 years. This book is based on years of experience and research in a variety of health- related fields, including pharmacology, naturopathy, and Neurolinguistics. Combining the science of traditional medicine and the organic health of natural therapies, Rosemary has created a program that can help any participant discover the Thin Within that they've always wanted to achieve.   Buy Now

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Unlearn Your Pain...the first three secrets

Here are the first 3 secrets to unlearning your pain
  • The first is to understand what persistent pain is and how it comes about. It is a neurological problem that is different than acute pain. It is sensed in the emotional, not the pain center, of the brain.
  • Second, you need to take a holistic approach and look at the whole body and mind not just at a part of the body.  Address it all at once.
  • Finally, is to know that the responsibility for change is yours and its up to you to take action.
For the next 3 secrets come and find out at our workshop.  Click HERE to book.

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Want to Train Faster or Further? Benefits of a Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Eating Plan

You've got to see this.  Click on the link below to see the shorts on the 

WE may have been doing it all wrong.  I was lucky this year to meet Dr Jeff Volek.  Jeff Volek is a dietitian-scientist who has spent 15 years studying diet and exercise effects on health and performance. He has held an academic position at Ball State University and is currently an associate professor at the University of Connecticut. 

One of his studies used elite male ultra-endurance runners aged 21 to 45 years.  There were 2 groups; High carbohydrate group and Low Carbohydrate group.  The groups were well matched on age, body mass, aerobic capacity, ad competition times, the main difference was the habitual diet.  The low carbohydrate group came out on top.

I put this to the test in the City to Surf this year and aced it.  There was no fatigue, no dizziness, no hitting the wall when your fuel ran out.  I was running along side kids half my age and passing them.  It was really exciting.

 Here are some more points from Dr. Volek’s talk.

-You lose more weight and gain more muscle when you combine a low carb diet and resistance training compared to just a low carb diet or just resistance training.
-People on low carb diets can eat 3x the saturated fat compared to people on a low fat diet and still have lower levels of saturated fat in their blood.
-Calorie restriction has been touted as a way to slow/stop aging. You can impact the same biological markers by restricting carbohydrates (while NOT restricting calories).
-Often times when people in Dr. Volek’s studies go on low carbohydrate diets they end up increasing their vegetable consumption
-Metabolic Syndrome is becoming a huge problem in the U.S. and worldwide; carbohydrate restriction attacks all the problem areas of metabolic syndrome more comprehensively than any drug or treatment available.
-The obesity problem in the U.S. is driven by uncontrolled insulin levels. The best way to control insulin is to control its most powerful stimulator – carbohydrates.

So to make sure you get the result that you deserve and to make them permanent Click here to book in to the clinic now