The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has just released preliminary results from the National Drugs Strategy Household Survey, from 2013.
THE key findings are:
· Daily smoking rate now 12.8% (was 15.1% in 2010)
· Young people are delaying starting smoking: average age of initiation 15.9 years
· Reduced number of cigarettes smoked: now 96 per week (was 111)
Well done Australian and Robin May.
Have you heard Robin May is conducting a study titled;
Smoking Cessation Through a Novel Behavior Modification Technique at North Shore Hospital.
If you need some help contact Robin now.
Mr Robin May l Psychologist Drug & Alcohol Services RNS Community Health Centre 2C Herbert Street St. Leonards NSW 2065 Tel. +61 2 9462 9177 Fax. +61 2 9906 7095