Friday, August 22, 2014

Latest Smoking Rates for Australia

The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has just released preliminary results from the National Drugs Strategy Household Survey, from 2013.

 THE key findings are:
·  Daily smoking rate now 12.8% (was 15.1% in 2010)
·  Young people are delaying starting smoking: average age of initiation 15.9 years
· Reduced number of cigarettes smoked: now 96 per week (was 111)

Well done Australian and Robin May.
Have you heard Robin May is conducting a study titled;

Smoking Cessation Through a Novel Behavior Modification Technique at North Shore Hospital.

If you need some help contact Robin now.
Mr Robin May l Psychologist Drug & Alcohol Services RNS Community Health Centre 2C Herbert Street St. Leonards NSW 2065 Tel. +61 2 9462 9177 Fax. +61 2 9906 7095

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Inhalations to Clear the Nose

The Power of Inhalation
During winter season, more people congregate indoors – sharing warmer confines, swapping stories over a hot cuppa choco... and trading germs. It takes 200 types of virus to bring about a cold. But it takes only one sneezy, coughy person three feet away to send a roomful of noses running.
A great way to reduce the germ count is to have a vaporiser going in the room with Breathe easy drops.
We have a great selection to choose from.

The Ultrasonic Vaporiser also acts as an Air Purifier, Ioniser, Aroma Diffuser and Night Lamp. No more condensation, because there is no heating element.

The Bamboo Glass aroma diffusers are revolutionizing the way consumers experience their aromatherapy. Dispersing essential oils in their purest form. $99.00

Ultrasonic Aroma Diffuser.
No heating element therefore there is no condensation and an amazing in-built safety switch off.

The Vicks Steam vaporiser suitable for small children.
$54.95 (August only)