Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Virus Time

Virus Time is nearly here
Viruses can have immune systems, new research shows
Feb 27, 2013
A study published today in the journal Nature reports that a viral predator of the cholera bacteria has stolen the functional immune system of bacteria and is using it against its bacterial host. The study provides the first evidence that this type of virus, the bacteriophage ("phage" for short), can acquire a wholly functional and adaptive immune system.
It seems each year the viruses are getting smarter so we need to get smarter too. At Cranes Pharmacy we have a whole artillery to help your immune system. Some are on prescription in the form of antibiotics and antivirals and some are available over the counter.  Check out this months special offer Ethical Nutrients Immune pack just $49.95 and it includes Zinc Fix, Cold & Flu tablets and Immune Defense.  Pop one in the cupboard for insurance.
It's a great time to visit our health hub at Cranes Pharmacy to discuss how to bullet proof yourself this winter.

Heart attack iNFLUENCES the will to quit smoking

 I am delighted to hear that Cranes Pharmacy is now approved as a site to conduct the SCUPI quit smoking study. If you would like to give up smoking now is the time to enroll at our pharmacy.

This is really timely, because the researchers have recently had a related paper on the topic published in the Journal of Smoking Cessation. Essentially, the paper showed that almost two thirds of people with heart attack, stopped smoking – emphasising the importance of the teachable moment. The smoking study is about trying to recreate that with a “simulated personalised teachable moment”

See Acute Coronary Syndrome as a Teachable Moment for Smoking Cessation

“Smoking is one of the leading risk factors of heart disease and yet it is one of the most preventable risk factors as well! This is why Heart Research Australia is passionate about supporting and funding research into the behavioural influences that could trigger a person to quit this dangerous habit and empowering people to start living a heart healthy lifestyle”, said Floyd Larsen, CEO at Heart Research Australia.

This is a fun study to join as it's easy to do.  It involves watching videos.  The videos are designed to change your mindset.  Come into the pharmacy and have a chat to see if you are eligible for the study.  There is no charge.