Time is nearly here
can have immune systems, new research shows
27, 2013
study published today in the journal Nature reports that a viral
predator of the cholera bacteria has stolen the functional immune
system of bacteria and is using it against its bacterial host. The
study provides the first evidence that this type of virus, the
bacteriophage ("phage" for short), can acquire a wholly
functional and adaptive immune system.
seems each year the viruses are getting smarter so we need to get
smarter too. At Cranes Pharmacy we have a whole artillery to help
your immune system. Some are on prescription in the form of
antibiotics and antivirals and some are available over the counter. Check out this months special offer Ethical Nutrients Immune pack just $49.95 and it includes Zinc Fix, Cold & Flu tablets and Immune Defense. Pop one in the cupboard for insurance.
a great time to visit our health hub at Cranes Pharmacy to discuss
how to bullet proof yourself this winter.