Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Balmoral Beach, Sunshine and Immunity

The right amount of sunshine is essential to life. We are so lucky with Balmoral Beach and some lovely harbour walks on our doorstep. Sunshine affects our moods and our lifestyles . But did you know that sunshine provides a nutrient that is essential for your immune health?

Your immune system is responsible for keeping you healthy and protecting you from the millions of bacteria, viruses and toxins that threaten your health. Like the rest of your body, your immune system relies on you eating the right sorts of foods and living a healthy lifestyle to stay healthy. It's coming up winter now so it is a good time to consider your immune system.

The most basic way for you to get your Vitamin D is through sunshine. When your skin is exposed to direct sunlight, your body is stimulated to produce Vitamin D. This Vitamin D is then used within your body for various important functions, one of the main ones being to keep your immune function balanced. It is surprising to learn that even in sun-rich countries, such as Australia or New Zealand, Vitamin D deficiency is common, increasing the risk of autoimmune conditions. It is believed that this problem has come about due to the success of sun protection programs, which have effectively reduced the incidence of skin cancer in younger populations.

It is a fallacy that Australians get sufficient Vitamin D from casual sun exposure; up to 30% of Australians are Vitamin D deficient.

In order to produce enough Vitamin D, a person with light coloured skin would need to have their arms and legs exposed to full sunlight for 20 minutes every day (avoiding the hottest part of the day). A daily walk along the foreshore would just about cover this.

The use of sunscreens will block this production of Vitamin D and the exposure needs to be direct; that is not through glass. The elderly, people with dark skin and veiled people are at particularly high risk of deficiency. Finding the right balance of sunlight exposure for optimal skin and immune health can be more difficult than it first sounds.

It is possible to stay “Sun Smart” and have immune health too. Vitamin D is present in a variety of foods including cod liver oil, herring, egg yolk and milk. It is also possible to obtain Vitamin D in the form of a supplement, but it is important that you use a supplement with a dose that is right for you and your state of health.
If you have concerns about your immune health or want help managing an autoimmune condition, please make an appointment with your health care professional to plan a course of action that is best for you.

So enjoy what Mosman has to offer us to keep our vitamins up.